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Computational framework for scalable acceleration of database peptide search on supercomputers

Required Packages

Install and load the latest versions of the following packages, preferably through Spack. Read more about how to install Spack, and how to install and load packages using Spack here.

boost cmake py-pytz
py-numpy py-setuptools-scm py-kiwisolver
py-python-dateutil pkgconf py-numexpr
py-setuptools py-et-xmlfile py-matplotlib
py-bottleneck py-argparse py-jdcal
py-pyparsing py-cython py-pandas
py-subprocess32 py-cycler py-openpyxl
py-six mpich python

Note: You may skip MPI installation if you are running on an HPC cluster system with built-in MPI distribution (e.g. CrayPE, ibrun, Intel MPI etc.) and simply load that into your environment. Similarly, you can use internal Python distribution and packages if already available and skip installation.

Example Package Install

Install the py-numpy and py-pandas packages dependencies using Spack like this:

# Spack automatically installs the dependecies

# install py-numpy with gcc@<version> compiler
$ spack install py-numpy%gcc@<version>
# load the package along with all its dependencies
$ spack load -r py-numpy

# install py-pandas with gcc@<version> compiler
$ spack install py-pandas%gcc@<version>
# load the package along with all its dependencies
$ spack load -r py-pandas

# install cmake with gcc@<version> compiler
$ spack install cmake%gcc@<version>
# load the package along with all its dependencies
$ spack load -r cmake